SARS-CoV-2 Aerosol Web Portal Reviewing Procedure
The SARS-CoV-2 Aerosol web portal reviews literature relevant to the spread of SARS-CoV-2 virus via aerosols and droplets. We monitor publications using the Research App with relevant keywords and editors select articles that fall within the defined mechanisms. Upon selection the editors assign reviews to participating reviewers via an internal Mendeley Group who write ~100 word summaries and update conclusions of confidence levels of knowledge within the mechanism section of the website. Once the reviews are complete editors pass the article to the public facing external Mendeley Group, as well as consider changes to our concluded levels of confidence in various mechanisms. All reviewed publications are accessible as an external Mendeley Group or via a BibBase bibliography.
Future volunteers to contribute may contact Dr Adam Boies for information.
Links of interest:
Instructional videos:
Editors – Selection and flow of assignments video.
Reviewers – Providing 100 word reviews and Mendeley interface video.
Editors – Publication of database and updating video.