EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Aerosol Science


From drug delivery to the lungs to the transmission of disease, climate change to combustion science, new routes to materials to consumer and agricultural products, an understanding of aerosol science is crucial.


Apply now for 2025 PhD studentshipsThe CDT funding is renewed

Harnessing Aerosol Science for Improved Security, Resilience and Global Health

Find out more about how the CDT has grown its partnerships and became the world leading centre in the delivery of aerosol science and research.

Welcome to the CDT in Aerosol Science

Fifteen students joined the sixth cohort of the CDT in September 2024, while our twenty-one cohort 5 students move to start their PhD research. With backgrounds from geography, and earth sciences to engineering, chemistry, physics, pharmacy and biological sciences, we now have three truly diverse cohorts! During their first year, our students complete training in Core Aerosol Science, Research Methods, and Professionalism and Translation, while developing their PhD research proposals.

Could you be part of our seventh cohort? Apply now to become a member of this brilliant scientific community.

Four years after our CDT was funded and our first cohort of students started their training in aerosol science, we are beginning to see some of the impacts of their research on policy and on our partners’ activities. Have a look at what our students and industrial partners say about the research our students are conducting and the impact it is having.

Furthering education in aerosol science

As a centre for doctoral training in aerosol science, much of our effort is focused upon understanding and improving education in aerosol science.  We have identified the key knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for successful practitioners of this rapidly-evolving, interdisciplinary field and ensure that our postgraduate researchers have the opportunity to engage in practice, receive feedback and be assessed in each of these areas.  We draw upon research-based instructional strategies in devising this practice, feedback and assessment.  We conduct educational research on a range of topics.  Learn more at our page dedicated to furthering education in aerosol science.


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EPSRC CDT in Aerosol Science

University of Bristol
School of Chemistry
Cantock's Close
Bristol, BS8 1TS

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